Title: Angels in Our Hearts
Author: Casey Watson and Rosie Lewis
Published: 2019
Genre: Memoir
Grade Level: Adult
-Trigger Warning: Child Abuse
-Movie Rating: PG-13
Blurb (from amazon):
A moving collection of 6 short stories – Helpless,
A Small Boy’s Cry, Two More Sleeps, Unexpected, Just a Boy and At Risk –
previously available as individual e-shorts.
A collection of inspiring and emotive real-life
short stories from foster carers Casey Watson and Rosie Lewis
Disclaimer: My review of this memoir is not in any
way a reflection upon the author or their life. I am a book reviewer, I review
books… not people.
My Scores:
Writing Style: Good
The style of writing for these two authors are
very similar to each other. It’s a very simplistic and clear narration that
showcases the weight of emotions going on behind seemingly simple actions.
The only difference between them was that Lewis
used foreshadowing in her short stories. This plot device worked as intended, adding suspense. So, I read Lewis’ short stories with a little more zeal than
Characters: Memorable
known they’re real people. I’m referring to them as character’s anyway.)
If you can’t tell, I’m trash for these types of
stories. What can I say, these stories restore my hope for humanity. I loved
getting to know each one of their stories.
I admire foster care workers so much, and I feel such
sympathy for these children born into such terrible lives. When reading these books, I become their
personal cheerleader, rooting for them to become well-adjusted and happy adults
despite their horrific childhood.
The last story was quite a surprise, but
no spoilers here 😉.
Plot: Enjoyable
Lewis’ stories are much better paced than
Watson’s, but each story is worth the read. I love that they decided to
showcase the smaller events in there life that weren’t quite long enough to be
a book.
I know these kinds of stories may not be for
everyone, but I love them. I’m absolute trash for them. They restore my hope
for humanity. They remind me that there are people in this world actively trying
to spread a little light in the darkest places the world has to offer.
Goodreads Rating: 3 out of 5 stars (not currently on goodreads though)
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