Title: Call Me Cockroach
Author: Leigh Byrne
Published: 2013
Genre: Fictionalized Memoir
Grade Level: Adult
-Trigger Warning: Depression, domestic
-Movie Rating: R for domestic violence and
vulgar language
-Features: PTSD
Read by: Allyson Ryan
Length: 8hrs 6min
Recommend: Yes
Blurb (from goodreads):
Our prisons, mental hospitals and streets are
filled with tragic stories like Tuesday Storm's. Her childhood was riddled with
torturous "games" and violent physical attacks. She was isolated from
the rest of her family, locked in an attic with nothing but a bare bed and a
bucket for a toilet, and fed just enough to keep her alive.
The experts say it's next to impossible to find
the soul's light in a dark past like Tuesday's. They say she'll never trust
again after being betrayed by the people she loved most, or silence the voices
inside her head telling her she's worthless and unloved. She's doomed to suffer
a lifetime of depression and self-destructive behavior, and destined to be
drawn to people who will again abuse her, or worse--she could become an abuser.
That's what the experts say. And the thing about experts is--they're usually
"Call Me Cockroach" is a chilling
reminder of the unfortunate truth that no one survives the devastation of
severe child abuse unscathed.
My Scores:
Writing Style: Good
The writing style is slightly different in
comparison to her first work. The pacing is much slower. The narration is repetitive,
or maybe it only seemed that way because there's unnecessary explanation.
I was still very much emotionally invested, but
how much of that was because of my attachment from reading the first novel I
will never be fully certain.
I gave the score of ‘good’ rather than ‘sparse’ because
of the very well executed flashback sequences and other various moments of
character development. The flashbacks are by far my favorite part of this
book. They have the most personality, literary form, and memorability.
Characters: Fully Developed
(I known they’re at least inspired by real people. I’m referring to them as
character’s anyway.)
Maybe it’s because I’m a well-adjusted adult,
but I expected so much more from the MC. While it’s realistic to
expect her to make a lot of mistakes when she’s figuring out life on her own
from such a disadvantaged mindset, I still felt an overwhelming sense of disappointment.
It wasn’t so much the fact that she made the mistakes to begin with, it was that she failed to correct them that had me internally screaming Ted Talks at
On a side note, she makes considerable
progress from the beginning to the ending of this book. It just doesn’t feel
much like progress because of the slow pacing. So much of the book deals with her poor choices, that it’s all I can seem to remember.
What’s interesting about this work is that typically
in memoirs about child abuse the struggles that are carried into adulthood are shoved
in the very back and mostly glossed over. This work shines a spot light on how
difficult it really is to deal with the effects of PTSD from childhood trauma. I
greatly appreciate this as a concept, however, I just don’t feel it was executed
well in this case.
While I enjoyed the piece overall, it was very
slow for me as I have mentioned. There were several moments that were
interesting, but nothing had me on the edge of my seat. I still felt for the MC as she struggled with the terrible situations she was in, but I
couldn’t help but feel that these terrible situations were a result of her poor
life choices.
The most interesting part of the plot is its organization.
Unlike the first book, there were several well placed flashback sequences
which really gave new life to the plot line.
Overall, this sequel was a letdown for me. I
loved the first book ‘Call Me Tuesday’ so much that it really set the bar high
going into this second work. This work focused its attention on dealing with
childhood abuse as an adult, which I greatly appreciate as a concept. Unfortunately,
this second work just didn’t have that same amount of urgency or level of suspense
I expected.
However, the book is by no means a bad read. It made
for an enjoyable time.
You can become your own worst enemy, but it’s
never too late to change.
Goodreads Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
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